Thursday, February 26, 2009


I just saw on about this obsses guy named Gus Banks. OMG...he has the Simpsons memorabilia and I'm quit jealous of him because I do wanna place like that for my collections. hahaha...I don't have my own money yet so I can't be exactly like him. I'm a collector but I prefer to collect anything that attract my attention. My room now full with comics, action figures, toys, etc. Thats why some of my collection on sale at Actually I would like to sell on but I do need credit card first. hm...keep dreaming ;p

Interesting website

I found this interesting website There we can find 1960s and 1970s toys. I'm just surfing around to find Garfield toys that similar to mine. I bought that Garfield toy when I was 12 years old. So I found this interesting website. Maybe someday I'll buy some vintage toys there. Mostly I look at first to find anything that I like such as comics, toys, pendants, etc.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Cockroach Egg Capsule inside Pizza Hut soup!!!

Last two week my friend and I went to Sunway Pyramid to find my intern clothes. After hours shopping we decided to lunch at Pizza Hut as usual we order super supreme pizza. Usually the soup is self service but that day the workers won't let us so they bring two soup suddenly I saw something inside my soup. I looked at it closely then I realised it was a half of cockroach egg capsule and it already hatch. I called the worker and he asap took the soup away and replaced it. My friend already lost her appetite to enjoy her soup. Now on we're not going to eat Pizza Hut at Sunway Pyramid again so dirty. eeewwww....