Thursday, October 28, 2010

Building self-esteem in children

At first I read the headline I thought that there are ways to build self-esteem in children but it seems more to the writer thought. I quit agree with her thought but some of them doesn't make any sense because from my observation nowadays parents always follow their children order or in Malay "bagi muka". The reason I said so because I had witnesses some parents can’t control their children especially in shopping malls, restaurant and etc.

 "There was a mother in my children’s toddler playgroup who slapped her two-year-old daughter’s hand to stop her from reaching out for things. This was her way of telling her child that she should behave appropriately. She told me that she wanted her daughter to learn to wait for her permission."

Not every parent is good with psychology so they don't know how to teach their children. For me if the mother slapped her child hand it doesn't meant she wanted to hurt her. Sometimes punishment is needed to teach children to be a good person in the future. It seems that previous parents much better in educating their children.

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

America's Next Top Model Cycle 15

OMG I thought Kendal with two male models for this photo shoot because I haven't see this new cycle. Wow my first impression was how beautiful the male model on the right. Then I read the caption it was Liz! In that photo she looked like a beautiful male model with high heels. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

No more PMR exam

Personally I disagree with the decision because the examination is very important to form three students. With the examination they will be more responsible to study than just be assessed.

Even though I am not a parent but as a person who care about education the decision to change make me worry about Malaysia Education. It is really confusing because Malaysian Education keeps changing. Hopefully they can stick with one solution.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How To Choose Baby's Sex

I don't understand why people want baby boy so badly. Personally I like baby girl because girls nowadays can beat boys in every aspect. I think people should think equally about both gender.

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