Sunday, November 22, 2009

Being Dracula...


As usual I stay up because I haven't finish my assigns. I try not to think the due date because it's will make me stress more. Talking about Stress + Lonely + Depress = SUICIDE. I was shocked to learn that a young model from Korea named Daul Kim aged 20 years old committed suicide. RIP Daul Kim!~
Wow! I was shocked to know that many famous and rich people committed suicide. I wonder why? But I know each person have their own problems and I have no comment about that.

Bagaimana anda boleh membantu? (How can U help?)

  • Luangkan masa untuk mendengar masalah mereka walaupun anda mungkin tidak dapat menyelesaikannya. Biasanya mereka hanya mahu meluahkan perasaan untuk mengurangkan tekanan.
    (Spend time to listen their problems even though you can't settle their problems. By doing so it can reduced their stress.)

  • Jangan cuba cadangkan jalan penyelesaian mudah atau cuba menghukum mereka. Individu dalam keadaan tertekan atau ada keinginan untuk bunuh diri tidak perlukan pendapat atau cadangan, mereka hanya mahu perhatian anda (mendengar masalah mereka).
    (Don't try to suggest the simple explanation or judge them. The people who are stress or want to commit suicide doesn't need any opinion or suggestion, all they need is your attention (willing to hear them).) 

  • Galakkan atau bawa mereka berjumpa doktor atau orang yang boleh mengendalikan masalah seperti ini.
    (Encourage or bring them to the doctor or people who can handle the problems like this.)

  • Sentiasa perhatikan keadaan mereka dan segera dapatkan bantuan jika individu berkenaan mula berkelakuan aneh.

  • (Always look out their conditions and hurry to get help if the individual started to behave strangely.)

     To read all please click the link -->

    p/s: Right now I'm thinking a new script for my TVC.

    1 comment:

    1. After read the news about her death and I did see and read some of her thought at but now it's seem that the blog already been block and maybe will be remove shortly.
