Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My point of view...

It’s been more than a month I have been in Australia. I really enjoy studying and staying in Australia. I can learn so many things in Australia. But there is one thing that I’m a bit disappointed that I can’t manage to make any local Australian friends. I admit that I’m not outstanding or outspoken people but I would love to make friends with them. Sometimes I feel like they are not welcoming an international student. So far I manage to make friends with other international students from Asian and European country.

The problem is maybe the language barrier and English is my second language. Every time I speak to local people they sort of doesn’t understand what I was talking about. I feel a bit offended because of my accent they can’t understand me. I’m use to American accent but my English pronunciation is a mixed of American and UK English.

I will be staying here for 1.5 year and looking forward to make friends with local people before I’m back for good to Malaysia.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

The Surprising Thing Your Facebook Photos Reveal About You.

Personally as a Facebook user, I didn't posted or upload the photos to advertised myself. I only upload those photos for my personal interest. I'm not like some people who are "crazy" to find approval post photos.

Recently I just moved to another country and I wanted to share my experience visiting new places with  family and friends. It doesn't mean that I'm being a self-promotional. Maybe for some people think that I'm being a snob to show off those lovely photos. But who cares? I'm just being myself.

Actually I'm promoting people to visit Australia because it is a interesting country to explore.

Please click the link to read:

7 Simple Ways to Protect Yourself From Rape.

This is a good article and a must read article for women. i

Please click the link to read:

Kittens born via in-vitro fertilization? Yay, science!.

Please click the link to read:

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It's been a month since I have live in Australia. The reason I stay in Australia is because I’m doing a master degree for 1.5 year. I will update my journey while in Australia.